Monday, August 1, 2011

Animal Notebook Pages

This year I hope to introduce my older kids to researching things on their own.  We'll be going over a lot of the Montessori zoology curriculum again, so I thought I'd create a page to help guide them. For what it's worth, I'll share that with you all too.

Animal Notebook Page (for the kids to do research on their own about animals they are interested in). Animal Discovery Notebook page download:

Where can they be found? Habitat:
What do they eat?
How do they reproduce?
Life Span:
Body covering/coloring:
Sounds they make:

 I added in a few research pages on ocean invertebrates.

Animal Discovery Notebook also includes ocean invertebrate research pages and a chart of ocean animal groups... a tird of starfish, for example!

If you want to learn more about the teaching zoology to the early elementary ages  this Montessori Album is a good place to start. Here is a blank chart of some fundamental needs. There are numbers of charts out on the internet, but this is how I plan to discuss these topics. I plan to use a huge piece of butcher paper and to have the kids cut out pictures from old National Geographic magazines to create a homemade chart.
Even as I write this, I'm considering adding tools to the materials side of the chart.  There's always lots to think about!

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